Thursday, May 7, 2009

Senate Approves Measure to Reduce Home Foreclosures

The Senate on Wednesday approved a bill that would expand federal efforts to prevent mortgage foreclosures, shield mortgage service companies from lawsuits if they participate in federal loan modification programs, and give renters of foreclosed properties at least 90 days’ notice before eviction.

The bill’s other provisions would make it easier to modify loans and give renters at least 90 days’ notice before being evicted.

The Senate bill, however, did not include Democrats’ most ambitious proposal to aid troubled homeowners: a provision that would have allowed bankruptcy judges to modify the terms of primary mortgages.

The new Senate bill does not include additional money to aid mortgage borrowers, but it does draw $2.3 billion from the Treasury’s $700 billion financial bailout fund for various provisions. The bill also would increase the borrowing authority for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to $100 billion from $30 billion, a move that will save banks billions of dollars by reducing the extra premiums that they would have had to pay to shore up the deposit insurance fund.

“The bill does other things, but certainly, a major target is to deal with peoples’ housing issues and try to stem the tide.” Senator Jack Reed, Democrat of Rhode Island, a main proponent of the bill, had a strong role in the homeless prevention provisions and others that would give the Treasury secretary more latitude in deciding when to use taxpayer money to buy stock in financial institutions receiving bailout assistance.

The Senate bill would provide $2.2 billion for homelessness assistance and up to $440 million for prevention.




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